Now open 1st and 3rd Saturdays

What is an Echocardiogram?

An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart.  It allows our veterinarian to look closely at the structures of the heart and determine how they are functioning.  Ultrasound uses sound waves at high frequencies to create images on a screen.  Echocardiograms allow veterinarians to measure heart size, shape, and function, as well as evaluate valves, vessels, chambers, and structures surrounding the heart.  During the echocardiogram, your pet will be placed on their side on a specialized table with a hole cut out of it to allow the ultrasound probe to be lightly placed on their chest.  A veterinary technician will gently hold your pet on the table during the echocardiogram to keep them calm.

Why does my pet need an Echocardiogram?

Echocardiograms are used to detect and diagnose birth defects, heart disease, and heart tumors.  In some cases heartworms can even be seen on an echocardiogram.  If your pet was diagnosed with a heart murmur, arrhythmia, heartworm disease, or has difficulty breathing, cough, or weakness due to heart disease, an echocardiogram may be recommended.  Echocardiograms are also used to monitor progression of heart disease in dogs predisposed to or already diagnosed with heart issues.

Will my pet need pain medication or sedation for an Echocardiogram?

Since echocardiograms are painless and non-invasive, no pain medication is needed.  We do recommend giving your pet a medication to help calm anxiety and fear prior to coming to the clinic. This medication can be picked up from the clinic the day before the echocardiogram appointment to be given the morning of the echocardiogram.

Does my pet need to be shaved for an Echocardiogram?

Most pets do not need to be shaved, however pets with a thick coat may need to have a small area of fur shaved to optimize the quality of the echocardiogram images.

What happens after an Echocardiogram?

The images from the echocardiogram are saved and the veterinarian will take measurements of specific structures of the heart to determine size and function.  This will help with diagnosis of heart disease.  Once a diagnosis is made, a treatment protocol and follow-up plan are determined and discussed with the owners.  The entire process is typically completed the same day.

To learn more about our services or to schedule an echocardiogram appointment call our clinic at 361-415-2356 or email us at

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